Professor Saffa Riffat

WSSET President

Professor Riffat, Chair of Sustainable Energy and Head of the Architecture, Climate, and Environment Research Group at the University of Nottingham, UK, is also the President of the World Society of Sustainable Energy (WSSET). With expertise in renewable energy, sustainable technologies, and eco-cities, Professor Riffat has secured over £70 million in grants, authored 600+ papers, and holds a Doctor of Science (DSc) degree from the University of Oxford.

Lord John Prescott

Honorary President

Lord John Prescott, former UK Deputy Prime Minister (1997-2007) and First Secretary of State (2001-2007), represented Kingston upon Hull East for 40 years (1970-2010). He's a key figure in bridging Labour's working-class roots and evolving leadership. Currently, he serves as the Honorary President of WSSET, advocating for environmental sustainability in the House of Lords.

Professor Terry Payne

Honorary President

Monodraught's Managing Director, Terry Payne, achieved Special Professor status at Nottingham University's School of the Built Environment for his decade-long development of the Windcatcher natural-ventilation system and SunPipe natural-lighting system. Recognised for groundbreaking contributions to natural ventilation, passive cooling, and daylighting, Prof. Payne's work has had a transformative impact on the industry.

Professor Tony Marmont

Honorary President

Professor Tony Marmont, celebrated for creating petrol from air, holds esteemed professorships at the University of Nottingham, De Montfort University, and Loughborough University. His diverse career, including ownership of a wind turbine maker and a soft drinks company, reflects a commitment to innovation and sustainability, shaping the landscape of science and technology.


Dr James Riffat

Chief Executive Officer

Dr. James Riffat serves as the Chief Executive Officer of the World Society of Sustainable Energy Technologies. Drawing on his extensive experience in research, management, and innovation, Dr. Riffat integrates all aspects of WSSET to drive its ongoing advancement and success.


Dr Ziwei Chen


Dr. Ziwei Chen, currently a Senior Research Fellow in the Buildings Energy and Environment Research Group, serves as the Secretary of the World Society of Sustainable Energy Technologies (WSSET). With a proven track record in securing funding and active contributions to our research community, Dr. Chen embodies a commitment to excellence, reflecting her dedication to both scholarly impact and positive relationships within our community.


Professor Saffa Riffat

University of Nottingham, 

United Kingdom

Professor Mat Santamouris

University of New South Wales, 


Professor Ruzhu Wang

Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 


Professor Armando Oliveira

University of Porto, 


Professor Xudong Zhao

University of Hull, 

United Kingdom

Professor Li Shao

University of Reading, 

United Kingdom

Professor Ji Jie

University of Science and 

Technology of China, China

Professor K Srinivas Reddy

IIT Madras, India

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